Slow Fashion, por | Uranta Mindful Clothing

Slow Fashion, by

Slow Fashion: the Next Fashion Philosophy

8 ways to recognize it. More than a trend, a lifestyle.

Reading time: 7 min.

Have less with more purpose” 

Fast or Slow?

Lately, we've been hearing more and more people talk about the “slow movement.” But if we try to understand what “slow” is, we cannot avoid talking first about its opposite: fast.

For this, it may be useful to start with something we are already familiar with, which is fast food. These are quick, pre-prepared options, generally standardized, easily accessible and cheap that seek to replace homemade food. Although they may seem practical, there is a not so small detail: they can cause obesity, depression, digestive problems, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, fertility problems and skin problems, among many other complications.

Thus, it is quite easy to see the negative effects of fast food because it directly affects our health. The solution also seems clear: avoid eating these types of foods and replace them with healthier ones. The result will be immediate and visible, a healthier body and mind and greater general well-being.

But what happens if we try to transfer this idea to the world of fashion? The consequences of producing and consuming fast fashion, the solutions available and the positive results that a change can bring, are not always so obvious. At least at first glance and on an individual level.

A life choice: the Slow movement

As we can see, thinking about Slow Fashion is thinking about something bigger and broader. It is thinking about how we want to live and what choices to make in different aspects of our short but intense passage through this world.

So while the slow movement began in the 1980s as a countercultural crusade aimed at challenging the fast food industry, the underlying idea is much broader: “faster is not better.” And thus, it began to slowly expand into different fields other than food, becoming a holistic way of living, an intentional state of mind and being, and a guide to consciously making decisions in our daily lives. It may sound complicated, but in reality it is about “the simple”, about slowing down the pace that modern life imposes on us in one way or another.

The definition, then, combines the wisdom of the past with a clear vision of the future that guarantees a balanced life for current generations, but also for future ones.

If your goal is to live a slower life, you just need to design it around the “less is more” approach: do less but better, give every little thing and every little action a meaning and purpose, enjoy the simplest things focusing on the quality of each moment, and seeking individual and collective well-being in the broad sense of the word.

Slow Fashion: 8 ways to know if a brand is really slow

You decided then that you would like to give slow fashion a chance, but you may not know how to recognize garments made from this perspective. Don't worry, below you will find a list of characteristics that will help you recognize what slow fashion is all about.

1. Slow fashion is Sustainable

Slow fashion protects the environment by paying special attention to the effects of clothing production on our planet earth. This includes the use of chemicals in crops and dyes, natural fabrics, energy and recycled materials, water and waste treatment, locally sourced clothing and much more.

It basically states that when we “shift down” and our choices are motivated by the rhythms and needs of nature, we use fewer resources and produce less waste, which has a more positive impact on natural ecosystems.


Timeless designs and natural fibers. That is the proposal of Animaná , an Argentine brand that encourages conscious consumption and where the shearing of alpacas, llamas, vicuñas and guanacos - which live freely in Patagonia and the Andes - is done manually. They prioritize the use of natural colors and dyes, in addition to contributing to a positive social impact on cooperatives, producers and artisans. 

2. Slow fashion is Ethics

Slow fashion not only takes the environment into account, it also addresses how clothes are made: how workers are treated and paid, how their well-being and safety is ensured, and how animals are treated. The objective is to guarantee the dignity and well-being of human beings and all living creatures involved in the process.


Paez creates simple but original footwear. Their iconic espadrilles born in Argentina not only managed to popularize this traditional model in the urban environment, the brand also crossed borders to position itself globally, being a precursor of values ​​through its Peta certification – vegan product – and its strong work in communities. 

3. Slow fashion is Minimalist

Slow fashion aims to reduce the pace of consumption and increase the value given to each belonging. The idea is to consume responsibly, ask ourselves what we really want and need, and adopt the mantra that prioritizes “quality over quantity.”

Do we really need a closet full of clothes that we almost never wear and that we don't know how to combine? It is proven that we only use on average 20% of our wardrobe. So why not build a capsule wardrobe and choose each new garment with more awareness?


The designer from Formosa, Mauro Pesoa , focuses on the mixture of noble materials from Argentina and proposes a slow and minimalist style, mixing wicker craftsmanship, an ancestral craft, and design. Their cotton and canvas pieces are usually natural in color to show their essence, creating timeless and gender-fluid collections.

4. Slow fashion is Timeless

Slow fashion is meant to last, so the design must always be “in fashion” and the quality of the garments must be high in order to last for a long time instead of being quickly discarded. What does this imply? avoid fluctuating trends to be able to wear the same pieces that we appreciate so much for many years.

The fact that slow fashion releases only a few styles per collection, only 2 or 3 times a year at most makes a lot of sense in relation to the long-term vision when producing and wearing clothes that it proposes.


Athena Newton is an independent clothing brand that creates unique and timeless pieces. Since its creation in 2019, its creator has always supported the idea that a woman can own some timeless and accessible pieces, while prioritizing sophistication in daily use. Each piece is designed and produced with a classic, fuss-free aesthetic so women feel confident and comfortable, wherever the day takes them.

5. Slow fashion supports Diversity and Artisanal Making

Slow fashion celebrates different and unique cultural expressions, providing values ​​such as inclusion, diversity and multiculturalism.

Going back to basics and honoring authenticity is also deeply rooted in the appreciation of craftsmanship and its worldview towards nature. Supporting small local businesses and celebrating the culture and craftsmanship of artisans is definitely about opting for a slow lifestyle.


Somos Fibra is a sustainable design store that seeks to promote the artisanal endeavors of Argentine Family Agriculture through the incorporation of design in production, integrating the ancestral knowledge of each region and new technologies, contributing to the economic development of rural communities. , rescuing the relationship between people and the environment and incorporating the artisanal products of peasant and indigenous Family Agriculture into modern life through design.

6. Slow fashion is Holistic

Slow fashion considers the entire life cycle of the product, instead of thinking of each part of the process independently of the others.

This means it is based on the principles of circularity where clothing, textiles and fibers never end up as waste. On the contrary, materials and resources reach their highest utilization and value, and are conceived and designed from the beginning to be recycled or recirculated again for as many cycles as possible.

On the other hand, slow fashion is also holistic because it takes into account the well-being and development of both individual beings and entire communities.


Inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit of immigrants, the value of family and the revaluation of manual labor, Cosecha Vintage manufactures its garments with scrap nylon stockings and natural fibers. The design is based on the Upcycling technique, transforming unused objects or objects destined to be waste into a garment of equal or greater usefulness and value.

7. Slow fashion is Conscious and Mindful

Slow fashion proposes wearing more than clothes: it encourages us to wear our values. That is why it can be considered intentional and purposeful, always taking into account the connections between ourselves, the environment, other human beings and all living beings.


Uranta is a Mexican activewear brand that promotes a healthy lifestyle, committed to the community and the environment. Each garment is produced through upcycling, reusing textiles. One of its objectives is to help society become more aware of what happens around it every day, what it consumes, what it creates and how it acts.

A different alternative

Now that you know what slow fashion is all about, what do you think is best? Get what we want quickly at a low price and unlimitedly? Unfortunately, that is not possible: someone always pays even if we do not see it and resources are limited, because nature has limits that we already surpassed a long time ago.

It is time to learn to slowly enjoy what we have and what we consciously acquire. In this way we will be honoring nature, our planet, our time and, ultimately, ourselves.

NOTE: This post may contain sponsored content. Even so, we assure you that Thread Stories only collaborates with projects that meet the values ​​and purpose of the blog and that are considered relevant to its audience.

If you would like to have a more sustainable and meaningful connection with Fashion but you don't know where to start, you can start the path towards a sustainable and minimalist Wardrobe with this 7-Day Challenge.

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